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Cuttlefish - Stage One Wiki



Cuttlefish belong to the class Cephalopoda which makes it a cousin to the Octopus. The Cuttlefish has many traits similar to the octopus such as its tentacles and soft malleable. But what makes them extra special is there brain to body size, which is the largest of all invertebrates. This allows great social complexity. And this makes them the greatest Animal.

Basic Stats

size: 15-25 cm strucherd around a internal shell or know as a cuttlebone. the largest of all cuttlefish is the Sepia apama which reaches 50cm in mantle length and can weigh over 10 kgs. Prey: small mollusks, crabs, shrimp, fish, octopuses, worms, and OTHER CUTTLEFISH. Predators: dolphins, sharks, fish, seal, seabirds and OTHER CUTTLEFISH.


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This page was last modified 10:35, 15 August 2012.

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