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Fascinating Facts Concerning Computers - Stage One Wiki

Since the late 20th Century computers have become a key aspect in modern technological advances, computer come in all shapes and sizes and are made for a multitude of purposes from your average PC to computers built to launch and guide space ships. So here are just a few fascinating facts to keep you clued up on computers and their related technology.

First things first…

A computer = defined to be a machine that manipulates data by following a series of commands.


  • The worlds’ oldest computer is dated back to 80 B.C. It is known as the Antikythera mechanism and was used to map the motions of the sun, moon and planets. It was an analogue computer however, a bronze mechanism working on cogs weighs and leavers and the like. The computers we refer to today however are electronic and work on a digital system of numbers.
  • Computers as we know them have only existed for the last 60 to 70 years. The first electronic computers were developed in the mid-20th century (1940–1945). They were huge, one computer taking up space of a large room. They were also terribly inefficient and limited in their tasks, consuming as much power as several hundred modern personal computers. Computers have come an awful long way in such a short time!
  • Currently the title of largest computer in the world has been attributed to Google who are in the process of building this massive computer in Oregon (U.S), to give you an idea of size think four football fields and a four storey high cooling tower required to keep the computers in good shape for operation. For more information check out the link: [1]
  • Israel is currently ranked #1 in the world for number of computers per capita. They have an average of 7 computers to every 100 people. Canada is coming second with an average of 5.26 computers for every 100 people.


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This page was last modified 05:19, 11 August 2009.

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