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Hyper Text Markup Language - Stage One Wiki

Hyper Text Markup Language, also known as HTML, is the mark up language used to create web pages. The mark up language of HTML consists of "codes" or "tags". Tags are normally part of a pair, the first tag is the 'opening' tag, whilst the second tag is the 'closing' tag. For example, if you wished to underline a heading in your webpage, you would use the tag <u> to start underlining the text, and then </u> at the end to stop underlining the text. Although it is not a necessity to close your tags, it makes your coding for your web page a lot tidier. Sometimes, if you do not close your tags, you may end up with unwanted formatting in your webpage.

Here are some basic codes which are generally used:

<html> </html> This code defines the entire webpage of body. The opening tag is usually placed at the very beginning, before any other html coding, whilst the ending tag is placed at the very end.
<body> </body> This tag is for the main body of html in your webpage.
<p> </p> This tag allows you to have a paragraph in your text.
<b> </b> Allows you to make your font bold, such as this.
<i> </i> Similar to the bold tag, however, instead this changes your font to italics.

It is also necessary to include Document Type Definition and Encoding standards to tell the browser what language and encoding system was used to store the page.

In the head of every HTML page you should copy and paste the text:

<?xmlversion="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?


"-//W3C//DTDXHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


The Decline Of HTML To The People

HTML, the core of how we perceive the modern internet; seems to be a declining art in those of the everyday people. While many people are still learning HTML as a way of satisfying their curiosity, due to the boom of online GUI or editors are fast replacing the days when teenage kids with eye liners had to learn html coding from the far shady corners of the internet to make their name flash on MySpace to the completely automated processes of FaceBook or Bebo where all you have to do is click on the prettiest options.

This page was last modified 11:55, 13 August 2009.

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