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Sudoku - Stage One Wiki

Sudoku Tips

  1. The process of completing a Sudoku square is about sorting what numbers "have" to go in a certain square vrs those that "cannot" go there - ie a process of elimination.
  2. If it gets tough put numbers on the outer edge of the main square indicating numbers that "must" be in a line adjacent. Some times you will have the numbers but not exact positions but this assists with the process of elimination.
  3. Add your tip here or insert it logically
  4. A good starting point is to do the lines or boxes that have the least numbers to be filled in first because they are usually the easiest way to get you started.
  5. Then you can try individual numbers that you figure out are easy to find where all of them are in the square, this can help you to point out more numbers that can be filled in and get lines or squares which can help with other lines and squares.
  6. Remember to check everywhere to make sure the number can go in the particular place so that you do not get double ups in the other lines or squares.

The last three tips are just suggestions they may or may not work all the time.

This page was last modified 00:00, 12 August 2009.

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