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User:Alux001 - Stage One Wiki

Andrew Luxton-Reilly

I am an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at The University of Auckland. If you are reading this page, then you are probably enrolled in the COMPSCI 111/111G course.

This semester, I am teaching the first part of COMPSCI 111/111G at the City Campus. In semester one, I will be teaching a graduate course on Computing Education.

My home page has more information about the other stuff that I do.

Contact Details

  • Email: andrew@
  • Phone: (09)373-7599 Ext 85654
  • Room: 523, 5th floor of building 303
  • Office Hours: Immediately after the lecture on Tues and Thurs, or email for an appointment

This page was last modified 08:56, 12 January 2020.

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