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User:Bzha055 - Stage One Wiki


  1. The test is worth 20% of your final mark.
  2. Date and Time (Provisional): Wednesday 28th January from 12:30-1:30pm
  3. Location: Room 260-098 in the Owen G. Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Rd
  4. Please arrive by 12:15pm as you will be given reading time.
  5. Please notify Ann Cameron if you have a test clash

Final Exam

  1. The final exam is worth 65% of your final mark.
  2. The date of the final exam will announced closer to the date
  3. It is a 2 hour exam. Please check nDeva for a confirmation of the date and time.
  4. Examination room lists will be posted online and on Campus noticeboards by 5.00pm the day before your examination.

For more information see Main page

This page was last modified 00:35, 16 January 2009.

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