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User:Dpri049 - Stage One Wiki

Hi Everyone, Welcome to my User page!

A little about me, My name is Dpri049 and I am currently in my first year at Auckland University. I have a few hobbies etc but those are secret oooOOOOOooo.

List of those secrets oooOOOOOooo.

Basically I have little spare time these days with uni work and actual work. So here is a list of things I like to do during that time.

  1. I spend a majority of that time with my girlfriend. Top of the list since she is number 1.
  2. I also spend a lot of time on my computer, I play games and do also enjoy keeping in contact with friends around the world.
  3. Eating and sleeping. They have to make the top 3. Amirite?

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This page was last modified 22:52, 17 March 2009.

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