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User:Fmck034 - Stage One Wiki


Life's big questions

Who am I?

Why am I here?

How do I achieve lasting happiness in life?

These are three of the most important questions that any one of us will ask ourselves over the course of our lives. Life can become quite difficult and stressful at times - it is during these times I find we stop to ask ourselves these questions as we desperately search for answers. As humans we seek truth, purpose and happiness. We also find that our answers to these three questions are constantly changing, reflecting upon our forever-changing minds and personalities. Life is a journey, and along this journey we learn new things every day about ourselves, others and the world in which we live.

I do not know the answers to the first two of the three questions any more than the next person does, in a macrocosmic sense. My understanding and experience of the third question, however, is that happiness is found wherever and whenever a person begins a personal relationship with God. He/she will begin to form lasting and meaningful friendships and relationships with fellow human beings and will find that he/she is never alone. "No man is an island."

I think that's enough philosophy for one post. Now, about me:

  • Name: Fraser McKay.
  • Religion: Christian - Anglican.
  • Favourite music: Rock.
  • Favourite quotations:"There are no ordinary moments." "Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today."

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I am currently studying towards a BCom/BSc conjoint degree at the University of Auckland.

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This page was last modified 21:32, 24 March 2010.

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