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User:Rpai198 - Stage One Wiki


My name is Rosemary Pai. I am a first year student at the University of Auckland who finds passion in technology. My majors are Computer Science and Information Technology Management. I enjoy sports and some good food with friends and family. Excited for what the future holds and hope to be the best that I can be in life lols.


I am of Samoan German decent. I was born in the islands, and had moved here back in when was in kindy. My mother is Samoan Tongan, she is from the East side of the of island of Savaii. My father is Samoan German and from the South side f the big island of Savaii, and est side of Upolu.


Viscount Primary Kelston Intermediate School Henderson High School University of Auckland (current)

This page was last modified 01:15, 25 July 2024.

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