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Hlit009 (Talk | contribs)

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Amag021 (Talk | contribs)
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==Rules In The Lab== ==Rules In The Lab==
You are '''NOT''' allowed to have any food or drink in the lab, only bottled water is allowed. You are '''NOT''' allowed to have any food or drink in the lab, only bottled water is allowed.
 +You are "NOT" allowed to make excessive noise as it may be disruptive to other's student's progress
==Laboratory Location== ==Laboratory Location==
All COMPSCI111 Labs are held in room 175 (303S-175) on the first floor the the Computer Sciences Building (Building 303S). All COMPSCI111 Labs are held in room 175 (303S-175) on the first floor the the Computer Sciences Building (Building 303S).

Revision as of 21:56, 11 August 2009


Rules In The Lab

You are NOT allowed to have any food or drink in the lab, only bottled water is allowed. You are "NOT" allowed to make excessive noise as it may be disruptive to other's student's progress

Laboratory Location

All COMPSCI111 Labs are held in room 175 (303S-175) on the first floor the the Computer Sciences Building (Building 303S).

The labs BCL(Basement Computer Lab), GCL(GroundFloor Computer Lab) and the (FirstFloor Computer Lab) are only available for science students. For whom are doing non science paper (eg computer science, physics, maths stats...), computers cannot be logged in.

Lab Timetable

Did you know you can keep working on your COMPSCI 111 assignments until 10pm? Although the stage one lab closes at 5pm the level 1 main laboratory is open until 10pm and can be accessed via the history of computing entrance. Each assignment is due at the beginning of the next lab, so you have just under a week to work on and finish your assignment.

Laboratory Assignments

There are 10 labs. Each lab assignment is worth 1.5 marks each. To pass the practical component of this course you must obtain at least 7.5 out of the possible total of 15 marks for the labs.

  • Lab 01 - Introduction - to be done in the week July 27 - July 31
  • Lab 02 - Using the Internet - to be done in the week Aug 3 - Aug 7
  • Lab 03 - Word Processing - to be done in the week Aug 10 - 14
  • Lab 04 - XHTML and CSS - to be done in the week Aug 17 - 21
  • Lab 05 - Powerpoint - to be done in the week Sept 14 - 18
  • Lab 06 - Spreadsheets - to be done in the week Sept 21 - 25
  • Lab 07 - Databases - to be done in the week Sept 28 - Oct 2
  • Lab 08 - Python Programming - to be done in the week Oct 5 - 9
  • Lab 09 - LaTeX - to be done in the week Oct 12 - 16
  • Lab 10 - Revision - to be done in the week Oct 19 - 23


  • All lab assignments can be found in your lab manual.
  • All assignments are due into the appropriate hand-in box (located outside the tutorial room) before the start of your next laboratory session.
  • remember to write the lab summary at the top of your report! During my lab i saw many a student having to run back and waste valuable money printing again because they forgot to mention the lab summary

Just a little tip - If you've realized you've missed something out on your lab report (eg attaching a screenshot/picture) after you've handed it in to the dropbox. Its not the end of the world, either find Ann Cameron or someone teaching in the Lab and ask them to open it up for you.

Lab Attendance

Each week, you must attend the laboratory session that you are enrolled in.

Arrive promptly on time since attendance is checked by the lab tutor who will sign your lab report cover sheet.

10% of the marks for each lab are awarded for lab attendance.

(added by dban021

To pass the practical component this course

You must obtain at least 50% or 42.5 out of the 85 possible marks. This will be easy if your attendance is good and if you work through the questions properly. If you have any problems there are very helpful tutors you can ask questions.

added by User Zali024

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