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Talk:COMPSCI 111 - Stage One Wiki

Sekitori Kozo Hi everyone....I hope that you enjoy my userpage. Though, the userpage is plain one, with your great feedback, I hope that we can establish a wicked page.

hi everyone! zjia015 here!~~


I am HaeSun Keum, I want to be your good friend and I hope you guys enjoy this course for the rest of the semester. Bye

Hey everyone, nice to meet you all ~~'

Hey All. Brutalbarbarian here (doubt you know what that is >_>) This page sure is getting crowded. I agree, this course is rather fun, and we do learn new things. Dunno about most of you, but I know I've never used blogs and added content on wikis before. These lab sessions spice up the course :D. By the way, if anyone's interested, visit my wiki user site.

Hey all, I hope you are all enjoying this rather tedious 3 hour lab as much as I am.

Hey~Compsci111 is really interesting and fun.You get to learn lots about the computer which I believe is really useful since we use it pretty much everyday.The labs are great as you get to experiment with the different functions the computer has to offer.And when you have any problems during the labs,the tutors are always there to help.They're all such friendly people,it makes the course enjoyable.I hope everyone has fun doing this course!=)

hey guys! this course is fun and you get to learn a lot at the same time.

Great to see you guys! COMPSCI111/111G is really fun! It's great I can contribute to wiki. I hope all of us will pass this course.

I feel like I'm really contributing something.

Hi, this course is fun, enjoy

"This course is so....thrilling!..."

This course is funn

I am finding this course quite challenging, but I will enjoy it when I know what I am doing.

I am really enjoying this course

There's nothing useful here, but maybe one day there will be...

I find this course really interesting and fun. Great information about the computer world is being provided. hope everyone also enjoys this paper :) Good Luck.

this course has been challenging for me but very informative. i have been using the computer and internet for as long as i can remember but in just the last 3 weeks i have learnt so much about computers, things that will make my life so much easier when it comes to using the computer...

Great course!

Without compsci 111, life is so boaring.

"This course is awesome! Lab is pretty relaxing and very informative. Would recommend it if you are wanting an intellectual stimulating general ed paper."

Hi, enjoy this course~~!!! This course is for the student who want to learn general information about computer and its related stuff

I highly recommend taking the CompSci111G course for your general education paper as it is an interesting course with a lecturer that is enjoyable to listen to. You also learn useful information which you can apply to whatever degree you are doing and the course book/lab work is easy to follow.

Sup guys my name is Jason, I'm hoping your all enjoying the course thus far, I know I am. It isn't a difficult course and the lecturers and lab guides are pretty cool. check out my user page if you want.

I think the COMPSCI 111/111G is a good course to build up your knowledge from the basics on computers and networks. Another thing that I like about the course is the practical labs with wonderful tutors!

this is comsci 111 this course helps lot of intresting work about coputer and useful things for your computer life. i enjoy this comsci111 lab because i learn so much about computer in this lab.

The Compsci111 course has been great to learn about the speed of the lab computers which are the same as going back to the days of the Commodore 64 with a tape drive. I thought these days had long gone but it is good to see history always repeats itself with just a slight twist. I hope you all enjoy the course and i am looking to learn some basic skills on the different software programs.

Today is 17th March. We all should be celebrating because it's St Patrick's Day

The COMPSCI is a great course which tells us many functions that we have never seem before.

I am a Prime example of a student who has resorted to alcohol, happy st pattys day!!

This is finally the end of lab 2 and I found this lab really taught me alot of thing i didn't know before. Hope everyone enjoy their courses as i am enjoying mine~~ ^^

Finally this is the last section of lab 2.

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