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Programming Languages

A programming language is a machine-readable artificial language designed to express computations that can be performed by a machine, particularly a computer. Programming languages can be used to create programs that specify the behaviour of a machine, to express algorithms precisely, or as a mode of human communication.

Many programming languages have some form of written specification of their syntax and semantics, since computers require precisely defined instructions. Some (such as C) are defined by a specification document (for example, an ISO Standard), while others (such as Perl) have a dominant implementation.

The earliest programming languages pre-date the invention of the computer, and were used to direct the behaviour of machines such as Jacquard looms and player pianos. Thousands of different programming languages have been created, mainly in the computer field,[1] with many more being created every year.

what is a programming language?

Programming languages provide various ways of specifying programs for computers to run. Unlike natural languages, programming languages are designed to permit no ambiguity and to be concise. They are purely written languages and are often difficult to read aloud. They are generally either translated into machine code by a compiler or an assembler before being run, or translated directly at run time by an interpreter. Sometimes programs are executed by a hybrid method of the two techniques. There are thousands of different programming languages—some intended to be general purpose, others useful only for highly specialized applications. User: nami010

Examples of Programming languages

This page was last modified 10:34, 12 August 2009.

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