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User:Aahm562 - Stage One Wiki


Well hello there, I have been expecting you. The name is Ahmed. Abrar Ahmed.

Interesting fact: People are always asking the age old question, "What does cause the holes in a swiss cheese?", well I'm here to clear it up for you, Thanks to my friends in google they acknowledged, That bacteria, more specifically P. shermani, releases carbon dioxide when it consumes the lactic acid and forms bubbles. The bubbles don't just disappear, they form little air pockets, resulting in the holes of the Swiss cheese.

Your welcome

My favourite type of Bread:

  • 1. White
  • 2. White
  • 3. Somewhat white
  • 4. Pane di Altamura

Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's my lecturer of them all.

Mirror: Bro you got the one and only Damir

This page was last modified 22:42, 5 August 2018.

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