University of Auckland    Department of Computer Science     Stage One Wiki     User:Bgon182 Web Site Map

User:Bgon182 - Stage One Wiki

Who am I?

My name is Brett Gonzales. And like many others in this course, I am a student who is majoring in Computer Science

What else is there about me

  • I am a male.
  • I went to Western Springs College.
  • I am not from NZ (obviously).
  • I am doing CompSci 111 currently in my second semester.
  • And I only know one guy from this list of people who have made wikis for their CompSci 111 course.

Anything else?

No, not really, come see me if you want to know me more (Good luck finding me).

This page was last modified 21:18, 25 July 2024.

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