University of Auckland    Department of Computer Science     Stage One Wiki     Talk:COMPSCI 111 Web Site Map
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Talk:COMPSCI 111 - Stage One Wiki

Sekitori Kozo Hi everyone....I hope that you enjoy my userpage. Though, the userpage is plain one, with your great feedback, I hope that we can establish a wicked page.

hi everyone! zjia015 here!~~



I am HaeSun Keum, I want to be your good friend and I hope you guys enjoy this course for the rest of the semester. Bye

Hey everyone, nice to meet you all ~~'

Hey All. Brutalbarbarian here (doubt you know what that is >_>) This page sure is getting crowded. I agree, this course is rather fun, and we do learn new things. Dunno about most of you, but I know I've never used blogs and added content on wikis before. These lab sessions spice up the course :D. By the way, if anyone's interested, visit my wiki user site.

Hey all, I hope you are all enjoying this rather tedious 3 hour lab as much as I am.

Hey~Compsci111 is really interesting and fun.You get to learn lots about the computer which I believe is really useful since we use it pretty much everyday.The labs are great as you get to experiment with the different functions the computer has to offer.And when you have any problems during the labs,the tutors are always there to help.They're all such friendly people,it makes the course enjoyable.I hope everyone has fun doing this course!=)

hey guys! this course is fun and you get to learn a lot at the same time.

Great to see you guys! COMPSCI111/111G is really fun! It's great I can contribute to wiki. I hope all of us will pass this course.

I feel like I'm really contributing something.

Hi, compsci 111 is a really good way to learn more about all the tools the are availble on the interent that some people might not have known about! great course cheers :)

Hi, this course is fun, enjoy

"This course is so....thrilling!..."

This course is funn

I am finding this course quite challenging, but I will enjoy it when I know what I am doing.

I am really enjoying this course

There's nothing useful here, but maybe one day there will be...

I find this course really interesting and fun. Great information about the computer world is being provided. hope everyone also enjoys this paper :) Good Luck.

this course has been challenging for me but very informative. i have been using the computer and internet for as long as i can remember but in just the last 3 weeks i have learnt so much about computers, things that will make my life so much easier when it comes to using the computer...

Great course!

Without compsci 111, life is so boaring.

"This course is awesome! Lab is pretty relaxing and very informative. Would recommend it if you are wanting an intellectual stimulating general ed paper."

Hi, enjoy this course~~!!! This course is for the student who want to learn general information about computer and its related stuff

I highly recommend taking the CompSci111G course for your general education paper as it is an interesting course with a lecturer that is enjoyable to listen to. You also learn useful information which you can apply to whatever degree you are doing and the course book/lab work is easy to follow.

Sup guys my name is Jason, I'm hoping your all enjoying the course thus far, I know I am. It isn't a difficult course and the lecturers and lab guides are pretty cool. check out my user page if you want.

I think the COMPSCI 111/111G is a good course to build up your knowledge from the basics on computers and networks. Another thing that I like about the course is the practical labs with wonderful tutors!

this is comsci 111 this course helps lot of intresting work about coputer and useful things for your computer life. i enjoy this comsci111 lab because i learn so much about computer in this lab.

The Compsci111 course has been great to learn about the speed of the lab computers which are the same as going back to the days of the Commodore 64 with a tape drive. I thought these days had long gone but it is good to see history always repeats itself with just a slight twist. I hope you all enjoy the course and i am looking to learn some basic skills on the different software programs.

Today is 17th March. We all should be celebrating because it's St Patrick's Day

The COMPSCI is a great course which tells us many functions that we have never seem before.

I am a Prime example of a student who has resorted to alcohol, happy st pattys day!!

This is finally the end of lab 2 and I found this lab really taught me alot of thing i didn't know before. Hope everyone enjoy their courses as i am enjoying mine~~ ^^

Finally this is the last section of lab 2.

I've finally got to this task and that marks the end of my lab 2. Pretty exciting and interesting I would say. Compsci is indeed very practical. Glad I took it as my elective!

Here is my very well thought out and informative piece of information to add to this page. This course is awesome!! Everyone should do it to get a deeper understanding of their computers.

This second lab taught me a lot of new infirmation. I love it!

Hi, I really think that there need to be some order to this Wiki. I think its great that there are so many contributions ( Mostly because of Lab Two) but it is really hard to digest as the page is really long and really wide. Maybe someone who knows a bit more could adjust the sizing?

This page is a mess! Why is it so wide!? Its almost unreadable. nDeva is starting to look better.

I'm going to contribute now. COMPSCI 101 is quite repetitive, but it really helps reinforce information in your brain. It can also be fun and informative at times too! Unfortunately, i have to admit that this lab was a tad tedious. But now I can blog! Yay.....

I Finally did my blog!!! this is really goood!!!! Bold text101

Sorry this is wiki not blogs buddy. Compsci 111 is good but confusing!!! Love it. can't wait for lab 3...

CompSci 111 is a very nice course for computer beginers.

Hey all, I'm enjoying the compsci111 course because of the relaxed atmosphere.

hey guys~ I am enjoying compsci111!.

Hey fellow students! Hope yall are enjoying CompSci 111. I'm finding it very interesting and helpful. Good luck with the paper. =)

I really enjoy the comsci labs that are held every week! They are really useful and encouraging :)

Compsci111 has so much to learn! XDD

This course is really useful!

Who like to play computer games and then like CS because of that?

Compsci 111 is great! It’s good because it’s not too difficult at this stage but you learn something new every lecture.

This course is enjoyable. Looks like everybody is adding to this particular article :)

Anny's Contributions

Please visit my blog Compsci111 is hard , but It is getting interesting ;-)

I love comsci111 , It's nice and easy.

Compsci111 is very interesting. I am loving the course especially the labs - vjos005

Anny's Contribution

This is not easy, but It is getting interesting ;-)

Sophie's Contribution

Baby's first wiki edit! How exciting.

Sbuc043 22:41, 5 August 2009 (NZST)

Jake's Contribution

I think that Compsci111 will be very rewarding however it is a very time consuming subject that requires a lot of work. I enjoy it very much and look forward to doing other lab assignment in the future. ' This course is designed for students who want a general introduction to computing. Experience with a wide range of practical applications will provide transferable skills that will be equally useful in academic and industry environments. No prior experience with computers is required, and help is always readily available from the teaching staff.'

Jessie's Contribution

Computer Science 111 is a very useful course. I recommend it to anyone who needs to enhance their computer skills or refresh their memory on using a computer and its applications.

Gilaad Amir's Contribution

Some philosophers argue that this course is not quite as handy as some may think. This is still a contentious issue in the academic world. Time will tell soon enough what the status quo will be. --Gami001 16:35, 4 August 2009 (NZST)

Kelly's Contribution

I think Compsci 111G course is really useful and interesting, and also it gives me a chance to use the computer and internet properly.

Three things that I like about this course:

  1. Getting to know about the world wide web
  2. The high quality assisstance that is offered
  3. My growing general knowledge on computers

I am also looking foward to web design.

Owen's contribution

This course is relevant to the computational needs of everyday Auckland Uni students

hey~ this contribution is for the compsci111 lab report~

Hey guys! COMPSCI 111 is awesome! And the labs are really cool as well, all the best in COMPSCI everyone!

Compsci 111 semester 1 , have fun and enjoy!

COMPSCI 111 is a perfectly designed course for newbies

"'Hey!!!"' Lab 2 nearly done! yay! its good how we get a week to complete the lab work!!!

Hey guys, this is my contribution to the wiki. Compsci 111 is great!!

wow i like this lesson knowing more about wiki and WWW.

this is me helping out the wiki

Hi, plase visit my user page

Hey guys check out my wiki, it has a funny image and awesome ACSII kirby scenarios

Hey guys, if you would like to know a little bit about me click my wiki

COMPSCI 111 S1 2009

hi mayname shifa'a im doing compsci111

Hey guys. welcome to my wiki. Click on the link to get access to my page. Cheers :)

Hey everyone! compsci111 is really fun :D

Hi ! My name is Seung-Hee! I'm having fun in COMPSCI111/111G

Hi, this will take you to my user page :)

hi guys, just wanted to inform u guys about the course COMPSCI 111, it is a very interesting and useful coures to take if you want to learn about computering

Hi the link above connects to my wiki user page

Hi the link above takes you to my user page where you can learn the amazing language of the decimal number system!!!! hope everyone finds it realy useful, especially if your doing maths.

Hello everyone! The link above will direct you to my user page!

Hey, the link above is to my page!

Hi my name is Yong Won. The link above will take you to my user page.

Hi, I am Jisung. Click my name to see my details :)

Hello~ the link above will take you to my user page :)

Hey there my name is Timothy, the link above is my wiki :D This course is fantastic and I am learning something new everyday! Keep up the good work everyone and good luck with all tests!

  • This is the link to my user page JD click on it to get some not really helpful advice.

COMPSCI 111 SS 2009

I hope you guys had a great test, it would be so much better if i was a bit more prepared, anyway, good weekends!

Iam Leon

Computer science111:test and examations

Information about computer science 111

Hi! Pleased to meet you!

Hello, this links to my wiki page which doesnt contain much at the moment. Good luck everyone :D !!

This link connects to my userpage via a mindbogglingly powerful system of networks known as the Internet.

The link shown above connects to my userpage.

Hello, hope everyone is having as much fun as I am!

Contribute to my manga/anime page ;)! I hope you're enjoying this course!

Hello, welcome to my Wiki page.. click on the link above :). Good luck to everyone in this course!

hello, my name is jackson and the above links to my page.

Hello everyone, I hope you had a relaxed break and are findind the course useful. Above is the link to my Wiki page I hope it will develop and be of use to you all. Regards Steve

Hello, above is a link to my wiki page. I hope you guys are enjoying this course so far. You can visit my wiki page and have a discussion about COMPSCI111 course and exchange informations together. As we all have given up our summer holidays for this course I hope we can be rewarded with our grades. :)

Welcome to Compsci 111 stage one Wiki. The link shown above connects to my userpage. I hope my userpage helpful to you and I wish you for the best for this course.

Hello people!! Hope you are all having fun in the course so far. Hopefully we can all use this as a way of helping each other in our lost moments. All the instructions in the manual may seem very complicated and freak you out, but if you RELAX and look at it blocking out all your prior knowledge they're actually quite easy. Good Luck!!

Hello!! I hope you are getting along with the lab contents. This page can be used to support each other for the practical component of compsci111. Enjoy your courses!

I have just added my interests in particular to compsci. Feel free to check my page and we can share our interests. Click to join me. User:tlea025

Hello I hope you are enjoying this course. Good luck to all of you and have fun.

Hey, The above link is to my Wiki page, this can be used to discuss and exchange information about this course. Good Luck for this course :)

Hi. The above link is to my Wiki Page. I hope you are all enjoying this course. Good Luck :)

Hi, this course is really fun. I think this page is quite useful, lets try to use it often.

Hi, i love this course, the teachers here are very helpful. lets try our best shall we :)

Hello, Im the guy in the red hat. Don't be a stranger. Have a good one.

Hello... i put this in the middle of the page so no one will see it.

Hi, i just learnt how to make my own wiki. How exciting. Good luck with this course.

Hey Yoh~! This is an interesting course!

What?! cannot find the LINK to my user page? It is ABOVE this.

This is pretty interesting stuff. Wiki is really fun and also link to my page is just above. Please do visit and yes this course is excellent... have fun people!!

Hi everyone! I am enjoying learning to use wiki. :)

Wiki is exciting

Hello, your welcome to visit my Wiki page! Wiki is really interesting! Hope your all having fun!

Bonjour, come and visit my Wiki page if you are interested in Nutrition/Food. Bonne chance avec la course ;-)

  • Hdor004 15:57, 12 January 2009 (NZDT)

My wiki page is very similar to the rest, but hey, why not look at it any way.

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is finding the course okay so far! So far it's really fun!

Hello everyone, hope everyone is finding the course enjoyable. above is a link to my user page, feel free to visit.

Hello everyone. Bonjour, Hola, Salve!!!

Hello everyone- enjoying your courses? have fun!!

Hello~ welcome to my Wiki~~

Hola, yo soy Mike. Yo estoy bueno :)

Hi everyone, I'm Alex, Pleased to make acquaintance.

Welcome to my wiki page ;)

Wow! Just the beginning. Go hard.

Wow that was fun :-P

I just edited Trish's contribution teeheehee

welcome to my home page:) get to know something about Asian Food:)

hello everyone! welcome to my page :)


hello guys:)

I have found my instructors and my fellow students extremely helpful so far. I would not be able to continue without them.

Hi guys~ Good luck with this course!!

  • hello everyone :) just doing this for my compsci 111 lab 2 -- Xwan227 16:13, 13 January 2009 (NZDT)

hey peps~ This aint my real name but i like this name... what do u think?

Hi~! My name is Sang Hoon Kim have fun in this course!!



Howdy everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful time with this course. Best of luck to you all for summer school and for the many years to come!

Hi, all! My name's Matisse. I'm a 3rd year Arts student. Thanks to COMPSCI 111G I'm learning to use & contribute to wiki sites. Hope you're all enjoying your time at uni! Best of luck...

Hi! My name is Ahreum Lee and I'm having fun in COMPSCI111G :)

Hello~S2 I like it hahahaha

Hi everyone~~

Hi,everyone, wish you enjoy your summer school!

Hi, i just make first wiki page. The link is above there. Welcome!

Hi My name is Dmitry. This course is very useful and I hope it will help in future.

Hi everyone.... my name is Louis. I hope that you enjoy my userpage. Though, the userpage is plain one, with your great feedback, I hope that we can establish a wicked page.

Hi EveryoneI hope your enjoying the course, like I am.

hi everyone hope you are enjoyin this paper as much as i am. Go wiki!!

I have learnt to create my own blog and wiki thanks to Compsci 111.

I love creating my own wiki!Some confusion here and there but everything is fun so far!

heres my bit for lab02's P3 User_talk:Tmat060, wasn't too sure where to put it, so its both in my wiki and here. have fun being confused by VK ;P

Computer Science111 course information

Hi guys, welcome to my page!

Howdy, first time user..

hello compsci 111 students!

first time as wel ^ ^

Here's for CompSci 111 Lab 2. Its a little confusing posting things here.

Hey everyone, just me here, just leaving a link to my homepage!

Hey this is my part for CompSci 111 Lab 2, come to my page sometime ^^

Hey guys,I'm here to have fun. In fact there is a lot of fun in Compsci 111.

Hey people im alex and i play dota

Hey people im tom and i dont play dota

Hey people Im Dasith Goonatilaka and i love sports.

Hello to all! Wish gd luck for all for this semester!



hello guys~I like Compsci, It's so useful and fun! good luck for this semester~

COMPSCI 111 is great! hope everyone does well in their exams

Hello people, I would like to remind you that all Compsci 111 labs are held in room 303-175!

Vivian's Wiki Page

Hello everyone!

The COMPSCI 111/111GItalic text course is highly enjoyable and it offers great practical knowledge about computers in general.

The course teaches us a lot of useful things and adds to our knowledge and understanding of computers. Great course!

Hi guys! The COMPSCI 111/111G is very helpful and it gives you an idea from the basic component of how to use computers

hello guys~* In the COMPSCI 111/111G lab, you don't have to stay 3hours when you finish the work.

Hey everyone ! You do not have to complete the lab assignment within the 3 hours aswell . You have until the beginning of the next Lab tutorial to hand in your lab assignment. But it is wise to make use of the Lab assistants within the 3 hours. Cheers

Woah lab 2 took me ages! But at least it's amost over!

Yes, this lab is almost over and out! Peace

Hey! These labs are quite useful. Hope you guys are finding this as well :)

Hey guys. These are the courses im studying

Hi guys i m asian but cool

i love motocros

Hi ~~ compsci test nextweek....good luck everyone

Someone going on a rant

I think many of you guys are doing it wrong, I hope the markers are lenient on 1 line answers instead of paragraphs with new content. The new content I am contributing is : Myself - because I am new to this particular page. Also, the spelling may not be of the "highest" standard as the mozzilla firefox application on these lab computers is encountering errors, particularly with Google and Wikipedia, and IE7 doesn't have a spell check. Yes, I know, I am being lazy, but no human is perfect. From the looks of it, no machine is perfect yet either. That's about a paragraph. *awaits marks*

  • So for those of you who didn't already realize, these Apple machines are hard to use, unreliable and cause all sorts of errors in typing with their small metal keyboards. For those of you who seem to enjoy them I really pity you. Is anyone else finding the internet connections here to be extremely slow? The paragraphs are coming and coming now. Is anyone finding this lab hard? Ben
  • This course pretty choice and most of it is pretty easy and exciting!Thanks
  • I agree, Ben. It took about two minutes to load a picture of my house. (Which, by the way, was kind of freaky and intrusive.) I hate these keyboards, too. I want my Windows key back! Holly
  • I have to agree with Holly. These keyboards are so uncomfortable! But I have to admit that they look really fancy
  • I personally think the keyboards are amazing. They making typing so much smoother. The mice are pretty slick too. My cat agrees.

Hi everybody. Visit to my page.

Hey guys. Hope you enjoy this course. Cheers.

halo... good luck for the test..

The labs are very useful

I hope this is what I need to do for assignment 2 for question 19 which is contributing to this wiki.

This is course pretty straight forward and i like it!!churr

This is my pathetic attempt to finish Qusetion 19 for Lab 2.. Haha after this I AM FINISHED!! hallelujah

Jennifer's Contribution

I really like how Compsci 111 lectures are recorded online because I have quite a few clashes and find it hard to get to lectures. I wish they did that for Compsci 101 as well which I took last semester.

However I think there should probably be one more demonstrators in every lab because I don't think 2 is quite enough. Apart from that, this paper has been good so far.

Anyway WOOT! I can go eat now.


iv just started doing compsci but im am enjoying it alot! I'v been leatning heaps and cant wait to learn more!

hope everyone else is enjoying it as much as me

See you


Please check out my user page, which is not related at all to CompSci. Have fun :):)

Niven's Contribution

hey guys compsci is one of the most relevent paper that I have done at the University.

I'm glad someone else made this comment about Google maps! (I could almost see through the window of my house in my picture, good thing I wasn't standing there when they took it). And as far as the keyboards go, I'm afraid I have to agree with you guys, I almost have to go back to typing with two fingers just to make sure my document isn't covered with red squiggly lines (as I type this I can already see about 6 :(...)

You are so right. It's impossible to write a sentence without at least one spelling error in it with these silly keyboards. I'm all for the PC's. Look forward to meeting some of you during this semesters course.

  • I so agree, its the worst of both worlds, Mac computers and Windows Vista!?! But putting aside these problems, COMPSCI 111 can be interesting.. every now and then. My school introduced laptops in Year 5, but the new information I'm learning could come in handy =) Samantha

I agree, Mac's are stupid, it's a shame people are taken in by the advertising campaigns. After all they stole Unix and charged you for it. I dislike the keyboards and mice too (the scroll wheel is so small!). My screen like's to fall downwards too, guess that's the mac failing physically(epic fail) and yes!!where's my windows key? maybe it should be a penguin :s

I still don't see why people argue about macs and Pc's. It seems like it's always the people with Pc's that are complaining. Also for people who say that apple users are brainwashed, the same goes for Pc users. I don't see why the computer science department has macs though. It's natural to hate something that one doesn't understand.

Wow, someone wrote something other than "hello" and "compsci 111 is great"! So contribution...

Re: lecture given today (Thurs 19/03), I would say that this page could be considered a 'popular' page and that during the labs are probably the worst time to be editing these pages. Of course, logically that would mean that I/we shouldn't update this during lab or add should add in a little note to say I'm/you're editing it.

Of course... I am doing it during lab, and I haven't put a note up. But hey, the internet's full of dummies that don't do what they should.

Sensible People only

Hello all, Wiki is really fun to use. I had an amazing experience with it and I hope all of you feel the same way. Compsci 111 is an excellent course and I highly recommend it to all.

Hello~everyone. This is my first time contribute with wiki. I get so confused when I first time use it , but it was alright now. I think most people taking this course as their major or minor towards their degree, but I take this course just for my personal interests, because I like to try new things especially someting to do with the computer. So, cheers everyone.

hello guys, i highly recommend the people who want a useful and interesting general education, please choice Compsci 111G, because it is a pretty straightforward course. Having fun

Hi guys. Please checkout my profile page. I would like to make more friends XD Compsci111 rocks. Interesting to know how to use wiki :)

Hi everyone. Nice to learn how to use wiki. Compsci 111/111G is interesting. Have fun everyone!!

Hi, I finally found out how to contribute to wiki! it takes time. This course is very exciting if you like computers. I heard from someone that to have a fast internet, all you got to do is pay for the data!. Anyways have fun!

Gosh, last instruction till the end of this lab. haha.. have a good day guyz.

hay everyone im actually doing psychology but took this paper because I thought it would be interesting and it is!! i love it so far the labs are great and the people you meet are even better!! I hope we all do well and get top marks to start our semester off with a SMILE!! hope you all have a COMPUTERLICIOUS day!! keep smiling and keep rocking those A+!! =)

Hey guys! I finally managed to figure out how to post on this wiki! Im loving uni so far, computer science is pretty fun and its up there with my favourite lectures. Its so useful learning all these things about computers that I never knew before, I look forward to my labs heaps because I know I will always learn something new! It is hard at times but I know in the end it will be worth it.

I was so confused that how to post my contribution on wiki. However, its all done. hopefully everyone have a good time in computer science 111 lab!

Have a good St. Paddy's Day! cant wait to gulp down a few jugs of Green beer tonight, and go to lectures tomorrow with hangovers!!

Hi guys! I'm actually a chemistry student myself though I have taken CompSci to stage II. My advice for those wishing to major in CompSci is to pay attention in CS101 and CS105. You will DEFINITELY become increasingly confused if you do not pull some weight now (especially in CS105). You will be using Java well into your 3rd year so make sure you learn it.

I thought it will hard to post something on wiki but it's very simple.

I've got my fingers crossed. Hope everyone else is having better luck than I am.

well, is the end of our Lab 2, hope everybody enjoy their Lab time. Ps: Even this room is a computer room but still is way to cold, I'm freezing.

It is the last qustion to do. It takes time... I hope I complete this task successfully.

Yay, finally the last question. love doing this hehe! I never knew this could be so easy =]

Compsci labs fun. Lectures are not too bad as well. I like this course overall. Editing on Wiki is so easy.

Hey!! compsci111G people!! have fun with your lab2 report!!

today is my second lab time. I'm enjoying COMPSCI111/111G :)

Had to fix shan123's spelling. It's interesting having CompSci lectures straight after the lab. 4 hours of CompSci!!!

wow this place is great hope it becomes more popular

Man it took me forever to read through this page and find a spelling error to fix. By the time I found one Greg had fixed it!!! grrr. Either way proof reading counts as contributing to the page yea? :D

CompSci 111 is interesting, particularly the lectures.

Wow!! Finally the last question of lab 2. So far both labs and lectures for compsci111 been very interesting and fun. One improvement for this lab room is turning down the air condition, its extremely cold!!

Compsci is useful! but i do agree that the room is very cold!

CompSci 111 lab reports takes long time to fisnish...

I agree and also there are soo many buttons to press can get annoying sometimes

yes that is true 3 hours i think is a bit too long for a lab

I like the temperature in the lab, its just right. Its easy to add layers of clothing, however its not easy to cool down

I concur, the temperature in the lab is just right especially in this season. Although i do hope it isnt this cold during the winter.

Kartik didnt post this message, *ron did to illustrate how easy it is to fake an entry...evil huh

This is my contribution. Finally finished the last question, i'm bloody hungry atm.

yay! finally on last question..took me longer than the first lab haha i reckon it was the blog's fault! doesn't anyone else think its funny that in lectures they point out the pitfalls of wikis and blogs are and yet in the labs our task is to create them?? seems kind of contradictionary to me!

and yes, its far too cold in this room! maybe we should start a petition haha

Great, finally figured out how to do this! I would sign a petition about the room being too cold, my feet are frozen!

My feet aren't the only part of me that's frozen... I reckon that the labs should be 6 hours long but is held only once every 2 weeks. Does anyone agree with me??

I really don't think I can bare being in here for 6 hours...I'm cold, wet and freezing right I have a cold which doesn't help. :(

Even if the labs were fortnightly lasting 6 hours, I doubt a lot of people would be staying longer than 3. It's a nice thought though but managing the timetables for both the tutors and the students would be a nightmare. By the way, is anyone else having problems with the paperthin keyboards in the labs? I actually had to ask the tutor how to take a screenshot..

yay finally last question XD ive decided to join the sensible ppl. Its really cold in this lab, trying to finish before i freeze! But it was still a fun, albeit a cold lab!!!

this page is good at the contents but it is not really good at appearance because there are very few paragraph been used it is difficult to read.

I thought it's hard to edit a wiki but it is actually a very simple task. The lab is fun and so useful, I get to know so many things but the 3 hours lab is not enough for me.

it still too me a while to figure it out! It's definitely freezing in here, goodluck for the rest of the semester!

Compsci is an awsome course and anyone interested in doing so should. Well this is an awsome course to take up whether its yourgenersl ed or major it is still good to take up.

Wow. Lab 002 has definately contributed to the best time of my life. Highly recommend this Lab.

  • [[user:snaf002|snaf]

The lab02 is really exciting. I learned so many things today. It is really good to know about blog, wiki and so on. I hope the next CompSci111 lab will be as good as today!

  • [[user:nahm043|fara]

Compsci 111 is such a great course to learn. Creating my own blog is so exciting and interesting!! But, the temperature in the lab was too cold!! My hands are badly freezing!! It's so difficult to use the keyboard, with shaking hand. That's horrible!!

*wani this lab 02 is so introduced me about wiki and blog....Blogging is so awsome..:) To find out more information about wiki,just click here

COMPSCI111 is a great introductory course to the world of computers. It is also very suitable for people who are not computer literate and want some computing skills that will benefit them in the future. A great resource for students studying COMPSCI111 is Wikipedia and the Stage One Forums Forum Link.

Compsci111 is a great course for people to enjoy learning about computers and improving their skills. Overall this has improved my skills on the comptuer so far. :D

Lab two is better than Lab One. I learned interesting things. I think I can improve my computer skills a lot more by the end of this course.

Hi! I am a compsci111 student this semester (one). I am really loving this aspect of publishing and making amendments to webapges, blogs and wiki's. I think its great that we have such resources where we can learn things like this through our time at the university. I am interested to know what other aspects of this course will teach me, as it is only laboratory two and we starting to go into the interesting side of computing. I hope everyone is having just as enjoyable experience as I am. Thank you to the tutors for being so patient. It's great!'

Greens question reliability of smacking survey

Hi, I am currently doing CompSci111 and so far I am enjoying it, as it provides a good overview of practical computing. The labs are especially helpful as it provides a chance to be more interactive with the computers (rather than just the theory) and enables you to really understand the content that we learn during the lectures. Another good thing about the labs are that after the first hour they are more informal, and you have 1 week to hand your answers in (takes away the pressure where in some labs you have to hand labs in at the end of the session). Good luck to everyone doing the course! :)

The markers are surely lenient enough to allow marks for one sentence contributions. I mean, letting us all know that you are contributing to spam on the main page is, I suppose, a contribution. I am also adding to the spam, so I must also be a COMPSCI111/111G student!

Here is my constribution for COMPSCI111/111G page 33 P3. Hey! Want to know the Secret Of Eternal Life? ->John 3:16 :)

Here is my contribution for CompSci 111/111G. CompSci is a cool subject. I have gained a lot of new information even though it's only the third week of the semester.

Here is my contribution for CompSci 111/111G Compsic is fun to learn but, lab is too long

I am really finding Compsci111 quite difficult as I am not very familiar with computers. In saying this, I am enjoying learning the content. I know what I am learning is going to be very useful when I get a job. I cant wait till I graduate and get a job. Im looking forward to earning some money :)

Here is my contribution for CompSci 111.Compsci labs fun.I like this course overall.

Well,this course seem to be very interesting and mind blowing at times solely on the lab work that was given!

This second lab taught me a lot !! Enjoy!

This course is for students who want to learn about general computers and its related stuff.

Great course. Enjoy the course everyone..

Hey all, I totally agree with all of you. CompSci 111 is a great course. Though it seems easy, it is quite intellectually stimulating!
Good luck for the test next Friday and I am sure we will all come out with flying colours!

welcome to this course. lets learn more about computer!

Hi guys, this is my contribution to the wiki.
The name you see above is also the name I have on the forums.
This course is entertaining, as although I already know a lot of this better than the back of my hand,
I'm also learning a lot about coding and today I learnt that swearing isn't acceptable on the internet.
Here's a helpful tip: Sometimes people (commonly referred to as "trolls") will try and anger you over the internet,
just for their own enjoyment. Please don't feed the trolls.

Sup. I just type in some words to make some fun. Studying hard is the most important.

I think this course is really practical and is useful that way. Labs are flexible for each student and the tutors are really helpful! I'm really enjoying this!

Dear fellow students/tutors/general public, Compsci111 is a very interesting and enjoyable course, I hope all students enjoy it as much as I do. This is my fist time editing 'wiki' and I am enjoying it :)

Compsci111 is very interesting, I'm enjoying every second of it!

CS111 is a very interesting course, despite the fact that it is hard and require a lot of working, we can learn a lot from it

COMPSCI111 is a fun paper and very interesting also.

COMPSCI111 is a rocking course because you learn a lot of things with the computer operating system.

Hi everyone, I just make my first Wiki, Compsci is fun and I am learning so my new stuff.

Kia Ora. Hello everyone. It is good to be in COMPSCI 111 community. Keep up the contribution and work hard.

Ally Hey everyone. I found some useful information about courses you can take in Computer Science. Please click on my name above or click here if you want to know what they are.

Hi Everyone!!!

Hi guys. I think compsci 111 course is very interesting.


I like Compsci 111 because it teaches us about the history of computing which i never knew about

  • --Mara012 13:56, 4 August 2009 (NZST)

The knowledge developed by academic computer science (CS) is applied to various non-academic situations to arrive at systems that help humans perform tasks that were either out of their reach for being too complex or the tasks that are repetitive in nature.

Hi, everyone doing Compsci111! I wish all of you get best results in Frist Semester.

I have to agree with the above comments. Hopefully the amount of information being supplied by students will suffice at the one line mark! Scrolling down this page they day before my lab report is due.. The number of contributions is insane! what IF everyone had actually bothered to have found information not already presented? Most would look automatically to information surrounding the topic.. but that is covered within the first few posts.. Makes life harder for everyone else! So here is my addition... remember to write the lab summary at the top of your report! During my lab i saw many a student having to run back and waste valuable money printing again because they forgot to mention the lab summary.. Oh and of course the usual double page printing! ;) save those resources.

Hi Everyone~ I wish you guys having fun in COMPSCI 111.

Harow, I'm finally finishing up my lab, sitting here in my warm chair burning the keyboard as I type away the time. This is a great Class, hopefully by the end of this semester I'ill be a computer whiz, an have brother running for his money, hehe. And a thanks for reminding me to do my lab summary.

Hello everyone please come and visit my wiki page. I just have made up a new one for my Compsci111.

This course is so fun!! I learned heaps of things from this course even I only had 2 labs in this week.

Hope everyone learned many things in their courses as like me!!

Anna' Contribution

Compsci is very interesting, hope everyone is finding it ok.

Nearly there, the last question!! It takes a while to finish a lab. The questions are not hard but quite practical. Be patient, we are doing a good job~~ Have fun everyone!!

Hi everyone.I am finding the comsci 111 course quite informative.It helps us with the daily things which make life just that bit more easier, something wihich all of us should know how to do.I dont know about anyone else but Iwas totally and utterly clueless when it come to anything to do with computers:P.Well i guess I still am a little clueless-but I'm getting there!!!. With the addition of amazingly nice tutors and awsome people enroled in the course--compsci 111 is a great!!I hope everyone else is enjoying it too.

comsci is very fun, and i am learning alot.

Compsci 111 is a fun and practical course which I hope everyone enjoys as much as I do. It may be an easy course but most who have taken it will tell you that it is also a very useful one. It is probably the only course in the Science department in which you will find useful in your daily life. Whether your a computer expert or not, you will definitely learn a few new tricks in this course. Last but not least, have fun everybody.

To me labs were rather fun, three hours passed within a glance on my watch. This lab was really helpful, learned how to use wiki markups. Guys, enjoy your times in university, it is the turning point of your life =].

Hi all. Labs are informative and are a great practical source of learning. The tutors are very helpful and ample time is given to complete all exercises. I am enjoying the course so far and hope to do well.

Hi everyone, hope you enjoy and find lab useful! because I find myself learning a lot :)

I haven't made or edited a wiki page before, i might have to start contributing more later on, this is easy!

Compsci 111 is very useful for me . I am looking for learning new thing in this course.

Secret to living longer

Be positive.

Hey guys! A cat born without a tail is actually a breed of cat called a manx!

Hello to the people of CompSic This subject is a interesting one, basically it gives us more information about somthing we have been using for years (computers/internet).

As well as green tea apples give you energy its said that one apple can give you more energy than a cup of coffee and preserve you better to ;)

Don't forget to exercise, and eat healthy.

Getting some good laugh also works, as research shows that it lowers the levels of stress hormones.

The research shows that it also boosts our immune system, by increasing activation of natural killer cells and antibodies.

For more information, click [1]

Finally. I come to the last tasks. Then. my missions for lab 2 will be complete

Figured I should add to this, I found this link with its secrets to living longer

James' contribution

AUGP stands for Auckland Uni Game dev and Programming club We aim to do game modding in order to gain experience towards a career in game development

Nathaniel's Wondrous Contribution

Game development requires a lot of experience in programming and modding. Games run on certain engines to help display graphics and use programming languages accordingly. Wii is a great console =]

Rebecca's awsomest contribution

compsci111 has so much to learn! XD

James's Valuable Contribution

This was quite an informative lab session. I learnt a wide variety of new information, like how to bold a word in a wiki.

Annemieke's contribution

Im learning alot about compsci 111

Annemieke's contribution

I'm learning lots of helpful tips!! why didn't i know some of these before?!!?

A cup of tea a day can keep you awake

Green teas are found to have heaps of antioxidants, which could probably
be good for girls!
Mom always says: Drink more tea, eat more veges, get more exercises!
Her secret recipe for a day: juice from sweet potato leaf, radish, tomato, apple, and
some other green stuff :P

also a cup of coffee will keep you awake

As we known that coffee contain certain amount of caffeine. one cup of coffee contain about 60mg of caffeine. caffine can help people to get lot more done.


Chai is becoming the new way to have your tea. It can be sweet or spicy and always full of flavour.

Green tea and apple in the morning would be more conducive to staying awake in the morning. Studies had shown that can apple can pep you up more than a cup of coffee or tea.

Tea vs Hot Chocolate

I must say that the ongoing debate that people think coffee/tea will create
this boost of energy or sustainability during a late night of study.
I disagree, hot chocolate releases endorphins which make you happy.
Thus instead of being sad and/or grumpy during your late night study sessions,
you can feel good and happy whilst studying late at night.
I have to agree with Matamus. Hot chocolate is way better and I mean who can say no to chocolate?

Get plenty of sleep!

Sleeping actually can make you live longer. Beauty sleep is no myth, it is actually true as the body needs the time during sleep to repair any cellular damage. I read somewhere that if you sleep less than 8hrs per day, the body doesn't have the chance to repair all the cell damage and can shorten your lifespan. So go get some sleep!

Sleep is a necessity


Being well rested enables you to focus more and gives you more energy for concentration. Here are a few things that you can do to make sure you get enough sleep throughout the night.

  • Improve your daytime habits - daily exercise, fresh air, no napping.
  • Create a better sleep environment - fluffly pillows, clean and warm bedding, air circulation.
  • Good sleep preparation - not eating before you sleep, no caffeine, don't drink too much liquid.

AFS System

Hello Compsci 111/111G

I think the AFS system is an awesome concept. It allows students to access the information that they have saved on the H: drive on the university computers to be accessed from the home computer. This means that you don't need to email yourself a copy of a file every time you need to work on it at home (if you don't have a USB drive to store and backup information). I learnt this is the Compsci 111/111G Lab 2 class, which was very useful!

That’s it for now, Sen

This is the link about AFS system.

This course is extremely interesting.

Editing wiki is such a hard work. However , we understand a lot after it!

I agree Sen, the AFS system is great, if i had forgotten my flashdrive i could just get my files from the AFS

Compsci111 is designed for students who want a general introduction to computing. Experience with a wide range of practical applications will provide transferable skills that will be equally useful in academic and industry environments. No prior experience with computers is required, and help is always readily available from the teaching staff.

Gerards Contribution

Hey guys just want to say that compsci has a lot of workload but everyone get in there and pass this course.!!!

John's Contribution

The AFS system is really good. I don't have to email my work home anymore or use a flash drive.

Jimmy's Contribution

Compsci 111 is fun, and really useful....hope all of us can pass this course!!

Jason's Contribution =

The cake is a lie..

Yay! I contributed something! =)

I thought I'd just add on to Jimmy's contribution...if that's allright jimmy... I agree Compsci 111 has really helped me and opened my eyes to the Cyberworld already in just three weeks. It's not just really fun it's also useful and beneficial for future references. It introduces many applications on the net I never thought to try or knew was out there. I enjoy doing the lab reports because I discover new things each time. Thanks Compsci 111!

Hayden's contribution

Compsci is very interesting. Probably my favourite paper this semester. Was going to take Stats 101g but thought, nah too much work and it's boring as well. Thank god for Compsci!

Lockers at University

If anyone is interested in having a reasonably priced locker, there are lockers available within the Science faculty.

These can be purchased from the Science resource center, located on the ground floor of the Science building.

Tyson's Contribution

Moore's Law 'The number of transistors on a single chip doubles every 18 months, while the price stays the same.'

Ying's Contribution

This course is fun For more course information click here

Richard's Contribution

HTML basics

  1. All opening tags end with a closing tag eg <a></a> or <img />

Jesh's Contribution

""While studying computer science, a word of the day helps to broaden the mind and the vocabulary of the brain! Learning how to build a better vocabulary can be a pleasurable and profitable investment of both your time and effort.

Word of the day

with Jesh MacDonald





adjective: Of or relating to grass.

These are my favourite words
  1. epistolary
  2. schwerpunkt
  3. overslaugh

Japanese lesson

Good Morning - Ohayou Gozaimasu
Good Afternoon - Konnichiwa
Good Evening - Konban wa

Japanese lesson...but MORE

Just though I'd add a few more ^^.


   こんにちは。 Konnichiwa. (kon-nee-chee-WAH) 

How are you?

   お元気ですか。 O-genki desu ka? (oh-GEN-kee dess-KAH?) 

Fine, thank you.

   元気です。 Genki desu. (GEN-kee dess) 

What is your name?

   お名前は何ですか。 O-namae wa nan desu ka? (oh-NAH-mah-eh wah NAHN dess-KAH?) 


Soga= Isee


Click here to see the history of this page!

Rajiv's Contribution=

Watashi no namae wa Rajiv Reddy desu. Juuhachi desu. Ii tenki desu ne.

My name is Rajiv Reddy and I am 18. The weather is good today.

As to why a link for Japanese lessons is on the Compsci wiki I have no idea

The Last Word

Apple Inc. is known for its creativity and a fairly neat sense of humour - here is an example I found on the webvine.

The cybernews website NPR reports that any pirates who attempt to hack the latest version of Mac OS X will be greeted by a creative error message:

"There once was a user who whined
That his current OS was so blind
He'd better go pirate
An OS that ran great
But he found that his hardware declined..."

Felice 20:32, 24 March 2009 (NZST)

Roun's Contribution

Fashionable People ONLY

Hi, compsci111 is a great subject and I hope everyone enjoys the subject as much as I do.

Not only is it fun, but it also gives us an opportunity to improve computer skills on the new Vista OS. I have already found it very helpful for when I am doing assignments for other courses in Uni.

I hope everyone is doing well, even the non-fashionable people.

Love lab02

We learned how to use the Internet, including email, www, forums, blogs and wikis in this lab. It is very good that learn something new everyday.

Georgina's Contribution

CompSci111/111G is a good course to enhance PC skills, I'm looking forward to the Microsoft Office part, but I don't like using Vista though.

Marian's Contribution

I find compsci111 a really good paper. The good thing is you do not require prior knowledge of computers. I hope to get a really good mark. I also find the labs very good.

Michael's Contribution

CompSci111/111G provides opportunities for those who have never experience the technique of using a PC before, and also it may advance your knowledge for the latest technology.

YUJIn's Contritubtion

COMPSCI 111G is a lot of fun :) HOpe to have a good year wit COMPSCI 111

I am really enjoying compsci111. I think it is a really good paper to do. The good thing is you do not have to have prior knowledge. I am hoping to get a really good grade.I find the labs very helpful.

Yiran's Cntribution

Hello everyone in CS111, This is such a fun course that we always learn something we didn't know. Hope you all have a great time this semester.

Jeff's useful contributions

  • You need to pass theory and practical part of compsci111/111G to pass the course :)
  • To pass the practical part of compsci111/111G , You need to attain at least 7.5 marks out of the available 15 marks.
  • Compsci111/111G test is next friday :)

This is my page User:yli319

Liam's contribution

Just to add to the above post, the theory part of the course (labs) is worth 15% of your overall mark, leaving 65% for the exam and 20% for the Tests.

Also, according to my calculations, the test is not until the 28th August.

Lfox008 12:20, 6 August 2009 (NZST)

Cindy's Contribution

If you desperately need a computer to print out your lecture notes and everyone using a computer is checking out their trade me or bebo page then this is the contribution to read!
There are computer labs in the science department, not just on the ground floor but on the 1st floor as well.
If that fails, make your way over to the Art's Student Center where there are computer labs you can use to do your assignments or that extra course reading!
If you liked my contribution, check out my user page User:Hwan154

Jason's Contribution

If you do not have money to print this lab report out please go to

Kate Edgars Information Commons Level 2 to top up

Joseph's Contribution

You may also go to short loan which is on level 1 of the Kate Edgar building to top up.


Lesa's Comtribution

Reminder: Thier is no Computer Science 111 Lectures next week so please use the time wisely and study for the Test:

  • Test is on Friday the 3rd of April 2009
  • You must be prompt and arrive at 6:15pm

Room Allocations For Test (Based on your Surname):

  • Eng1439: Ahmad - Emery
  • PLT1: Etuale - Lata
  • MLT1: Latu - Park
  • Eng1401: Parkinson - Toi
  • Eng3404: Toms - Wu
  • Eng3407: Xie - Zhou

Good Luck to us all :)

Jin's Contribution

Get together with classmates and study for the test coming up. Check where your Room Allocations are before the test day. Good luck to you all!

Ofa's Contribution

I have just started studying for the test.

Hannah's Contribution

I better start studying for the test too :S

Sahar's Contribution

I found out about Mozilla Firefox too, It is a great browser, I do not need anti virus any more, Its free and easy to Install, I greatly recommend it to everyone if you want to protect your computer from spywares and etc... I hope this helps!

Bryce's Contribution

The print-screen key on the mac boards is f14. You are now manually breathing.

Michael's Contribution

Personally the labs aren't much fun and need to be made a lot better to make students interested. The labs are very useful.


yea your right

JaeSung's contribution

This wiki thing is so hard to use. But I'm still trying because lab sessions worth 10%

Jun-Nyun's contribution

I wish labs to be more fun!

Harrison's Contribution

I had no idea how to use Wikis before this! This is awesome.. They are hard to use, but its not too bad. I'm trying as hard as I can to get 100% in this Lab!

Matt K's Contribution

These labs are pretty fun!

Do we now admit to vandalizing Wikipedia in our younger days? Oops.

Bill Gates

William Henry "Bill" Gates III founded the software company Microsoft with Paul Allen. He is consistently ranked to be one of the world's wealthiest people. He also authored or co-authored several books.

Gates was born in Seattle, Washington, to William H. Gates, Sr. and Mary Maxwell Gates, who was of Scottish descent.[8]. His family was upper middle class; his father was a prominent lawyer, his mother served on the board of directors for First Interstate BancSystem and the United Way, and her father, J. W. Maxwell, was a national bank president. Gates has one elder sister, Kristi (Kristianne), and one younger sister, Libby. He was the fourth of his name in his family, but was known as William Gates III or "Trey" because his father had dropped his own "III" suffix.[9] Early on in his life, Gates' parents had a law career in mind for him.[10]

To find more about Bill Gates, you can go here: Bill Gates


Ben E's Contribution

Computer Science can be found in the Science Faculty

[User: beva013]

Alex's Contribution

I know computer science 111 is very helpful for me to understanding the information system.

CompSci Stage 1 courses

Computer Science is currently offering 4 stage one courses. They are as follows:

  • COMPSCI 101
  • COMPSCI 105
  • COMPSCI 111/111G
  • ENGGEN 131


Lisa's Contribution

I love doing the labs. I learn so much from them.

Jason's Contribution

The cake is a lie.. but I still love cake!

Yay! I contributed something! =)

Sam's Contribution

Hello. I am finishing my compsci111 lab02, it is the last step.

Leila's Contribution

Greetings fellow students, I wish you all the best of luck in this course. I have faith that you will all get superb marks and will get a boost in your GPA's by the conclusion of the course, :).

Jonathon's Contribution

Hey everyone, hope you are all enjoying this course as much as I am. I would also like the CompSci department to use Google Chrome as their default web browser as it is awesome. Here is a link to my page: User:Jcai042

Mariam's contribution

The knowledge developed by academic computer science (CS) is applied to various non-academic situations to arrive at systems that help humans perform tasks that were either out of their reach for being too complex or the tasks that are repetitive in nature.

Shota's contribution

It's always fun learning new things. I'm loving this course.

Craig's Contribution

There is a current known problem with all the computers in the laboratories. It appears that Windows Vista has been installed as a prank to try slow students down. The correct OS that should be running is Apple's OS X 10.5

If your computer is still running Vista after the date 5/8/9 please talk to your lab instructor who will reassign you to another computer while he or she will conduct an exorcism on the computer in question.

Thanks for your time.

Headline text

egul002 says:

Why does everyone hate Aucklanders? They should try living here. My page is here!

Hyun-Ah's contribution

Hello everyone, I am finally finishing my lab 02:) So great!!!

Meaningless bytes of info typed by Arena

Computer Science is hugely relevant in today's society. Nearly all jobs require some computer proficiency. Thats why Im doing it! And now a quote:

"Part of the inhumanity of the computer is that, once it is competently programmed and working smoothly, it is completely honest. " Isaac Asimov

Richard's contribution

I have really enjoyed this lab :) I didn't how to make a wiki entry, but now I do, thanks to this awesome course, COMPSCI 111. If you'd like to check out my page, please click here

Kim's contribution

Hi about to finish my lab yay. I think this course will be useful.

Angela's Contribution

I find the labs a big help. They really contribute to my learning.

Durban's Contribution

My contribution is the best because it has a line through it.

The contribution of Lewis Tapene

This lab has been very good and has taught me alot of new things.

As well as that i am finally coming to the end of my lab.

Electronic Music

Hi guys if you like electronic music you should read this page as it has many useful tutorials on how to create it. Also, check out my boyfriend's website here. There are some original tracks he has written and a mix consisting of ten tracks ranging from trance to DnB.

The contribution of Dcha158

Im pretty sure i messed something up. Apologies in advance.

Click here to go back to the uni site

Olivia's contribution

The cake is a lie

But if you still believe the cake is not a lie, you will find the recipe in this article.

Take special care with the volatile malted milk impoundments and the cross borehole electro-magnetic imaging rhubarb.

In case you did not know this is an amusing reference to the popular steam game, portal - Tyler

Ethan's this can hardly be called a contribution

All we're doing is making this wiki page a total mess, someone should really tidy this thing up. That being said, I will not be that person. Due to my apparent mediocrity. For more information of how mediocre I am, see user page Ethan. SoYoung Welcome to compsci 111 stage one Wiki. My name is SoYoung. I hope you guys are enjoying this course so far. I hope we can be rewarded with out grades.

Hello, my name is Michael, come check out my link. I'm a nice guy, single, looking for that special someone.
RESPONCE to Michael: Male or female?


Insightful Comments and Feedbacks

Hello, enjoy the labs~!It helps your mark!

Joo Eun's Contributions

COMPSCI111 is very interesting, which i think it will help me a lot later in my future. Mostly, I like the way we experiment with basics of computer managements, world wide web and others that we will use in our daily life. This will allow me to expand my knowledge about computers.

Tanya's Contribution

Today I got to create a Blog. I've never done anything like this before so it was all new to me, I don't want to sound stupid but I kind of found it hard. But after I realized what I needed to do it was sort of cool. I agree with Grace this course is defintiely giving us some skills that we can one day put to good use.

Doing labs for this course definitely gives me a better understanding of what we are learning in class. It is also a bit different to other courses where you only have theory and no practical

Scott Manson's Contributions

I have also found COMPSCI 111 very interesting thus far. I am looking forward to later on in the course where we start to learn about programming. I have taken a serious interest in computers and how they operate and this course has proven to be a good way of refreshing my knowledge on how everything works. For a link to my personal wiki user page, click here

Jake's contribution

I am sure Compsci111 will prove to be a very useful paper re the fact that it covers a wide variety of everyday skills and applications which can be put to use in everyday life and in the workplace and study arena.

CompSci111G is awesome and very useful to develop my skills about Cyberspace. CompSci111G is designed for students who want a general introduction to computing. Experience with a wide range of practical applications will provide transferable skills that will be equally useful in academic and industry environments. No prior experience with computers is required, and help is always readily available from the teaching staff.

I'm really very sorry for editing ur page with out ur permission plz forgive me

Well, actually we are learning very exiting stuff in compsci111. We can do soo many things, which we hardly know. As we exploit, it keeps exploding.

Tanys's contribution

I have to agree with jake's idea that Compsci is developing skills that can be used in cyberspace, these skills assist in time management and will add to the quality of work completed using Cyberspace. The course is a great way of brushing up on forgotten techniques.

Simon's contribution

Hi everyone, this is my contribution to the wiki. Compsci 111 is fun.

User ssqu004

Yeolisha's contribution

I agree COMPSCI111 is fun, today we got to make our own blog's which is pretty cool! Come to my page its very interesting.


Anon wrote : Dayral you rule i have the flu can you heal me man ???

Daryls contribution to the wiki

Yes!! Last question. I can go home now!! I've never used anything like Wikipedia before took me a while to fine that damn edit button (is damn a swear word? I hope it's not, because I've just used it twice)

Eunmi's Contribution

Hi, I think this is awesome :)

I think Wiki is a really good place to gain more knowledges about windows functions and to know more other COMPSCI 111 students.

COMPSCI 111 actually gives us changes to do something practical instead of memorize all those theories that we might forget after exams.

Hope everyone enjoy it and GOOD LUCK for the test :(

Yi's contribution

Hi everyone, I hope everyone enjoying compsci111 as much as i have! i am finding this course very useful.

Song Min's Contribution

I think this subject is very useful as I become more knowledgeable on the basic skills on the computer. This allows me to move on to a more advanced stage, so I can have skills such as editing an article on a blog and creating my own blog.

Richard's Contribution

Hi everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying CompSci111. I'm finding it fun as I am learning new skills in this course.

yuzo The supervisors on Wed 10-1pm are fantastic! Tanya

Attention Staff

Staff - noun - An alien being who has subjected them self to the contrastingly exciting and painful experience of studying materials at a tertiary level. Many resort to alcohol (e.g. most engineering students) to make their time more exciting, while a selected few actually focus throughout their study time.

Lecturer - Stress contributor - Also, a human being who subjects their students to the contrastingly exciting and also, painful experience of studying materials at a tertiary level. Many resort to off-topic discussions (e.g most Physics lecturers) to make their time teaching pass more quickly, while few lecturers actually talk about all the boring things (except in COMPSCI, where all things are cool) throughout their teaching time, eventually resorting students to alcohol during their study time. (who just deleted my name =.=||) --Edweenie

Aben071 Contribution

I find this paper very interesting.

Main Page : [[4]]

Lavenda's Contribution

I am really learning a lot in Computer Science 111, especially through these lab assignments. The other departments should consider doing it this way because it is a very effective way to learn and get assignments done properly. Well, in my opinion that is the case.

Compsci 111

compsci 111 is a such a useful course. There are so many useful informations to learn about computers.

Log in